A thriller is a broad genre of a film, if often includes numerous and often overlappping different sub-genres. Thrillers are often characterised by fast paced, constant action and resourceful heroes who have to stop the plan of the villians. Most thrillers include cliffhangers, suspense and are usuallu extensively. They often take place in exotic settings settings such as deserts, but as this is only a college project we will not be able to do this quite so easily. The people in danger are you weak and unable too look after themselves and in most thrillers woman are becoming the main character. Some of the sub genres in thrillers are action thriller which containts lots of voilence and action and a race against time, another sub genre is crime thriller. Some examples of thrillers are:
Phone Booth
All Bourne films
Solo Voayge
Jurrasic Park
Labels: JackSobey, JonnyWay, MarcusBarnes, Nathan
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